School run essentials

It’s that time of year again, when we’re buying uniforms and getting the kids packed-up and ready for school. The school-run can be stressful, but it’s also a great opportunity to have some quality time with your children. There’s plenty of time to catch-up, and also lots of scenery to look at. That’s why we’ve made this list of school run essentials that will allow you to leave the stress at home and have a fun school run.

A good pair of shoes


If you’re walking to school this Autumn then a comfortable pair of shoes are a must to keep your morning walk happy. After all, you don’t want to be adding sore feet to the general stress of the morning routine. I’d recommend investing in a pair of Converse: they’re fun, stylish and, most importantly, comfortable. M and M Direct offer a varied and affordable selection, so your feet can enjoy the walk as much as you do. I love the fur-lined ones – a must with winter on the way. The durable material makes them great for drivers too, so they’re definitely something worth investing in.

Stock-up on spares

There’s always that morning where the kids forget something. Be it a tie, a jumper or a pencil case. Although an extra thing to carry, it’s well worth bringing a bag of supplies with you, just in case. It saves you going back to get that school tie, anyway.

First-aid kit/cleaning supplies

Sometimes, no matter how vigilant you are, there are incidents on the way to school. They’ll run a bit too fast and graze a knee. Or they’ll step in a puddle, and clean feet will become a thing of the past. That’s why a first-aid kit is an excellent addition to your bag of supplies, as are tissues and wet wipes. It’s always good to be prepared for situations like these, to ensure you get them to school on time every day.

Something fun

As I mentioned before, the school run is a great time for bonding with your children, especially for those with a busy lifestyle. What other time do you get where you’re all together with no distractions? 

Even so, we all know how bored children can get without entertainment, and a long journey minus their favourite TV characters can sometimes be a struggle. However, it needn’t be. Why not make the school run into a game? Picture bingo is always a great idea for keeping the kids happy. Just print out a selection of images and tick them off when you spot them. Entertainment for everyone. If you don’t have much time on your hands, however, then eye-spy is a perfect alternative. You can spend time guessing what your children have seen on the way. There’s bound to be a few funny ones.

That’s the school run sorted, so now it’s time to sit down with a cup of tea.

What are your school run essentials?



  1. September 27, 2015 / 7:48 am

    I looooove my Chucks! Been wearing theme we since I was in school myself.

    My daughter and I always play the ‘Not a Horse’ game on the way to school. I point at something and say ‘Is that a horse?!’ And she replies with ‘No, that a *object name* not a horse!’ When she was tiny it was absolutely hilarious for her because it was so silly and it also helped her learn the new of objects. We still play it now that she’s bigger, but I think my time is limited now that she thinks I’m so embarrassing and uncool.

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