For many parents out there, the school run means one thing; stress! There’s so much to do and get ready, and when the kids are being as difficult as they’ll ever be (trying to skip school, take as long as possible getting ready), tempers can reach peak levels. Still, you…

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  Like many busy parents, breakfast often comes bottom of the list in the mornings. I have 4 children to get to school and nursery, 4 lots of bags, coats and packed lunches to worry about – and that’s before I even think about getting myself showered, dressed and ready…

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September is here and most of us have waved our little darlings off to school for the autumn term. Gone are the mornings of staying in your pyjamas, watching DVD’s under the duvet and having picnics on the carpet at lunchtime.  School run mornings can be a real rush –…

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Women get busy the moment their pregnancy tests read positive. There is a barrage of tests, diets to be observed and baby’s room to be decorated. Once baby arrives, free time becomes precious. This column seeks to bring some order to one’s life after baby arrives and life’s distractions and…

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It’s that time of year again, when we’re buying uniforms and getting the kids packed-up and ready for school. The school-run can be stressful, but it’s also a great opportunity to have some quality time with your children. There’s plenty of time to catch-up, and also lots of scenery to…

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