Review | Fruitbowl snacks

Fruit Bowl

With 4 children in the house, we go through a LOT of snacks. I try to choose wisely when shopping, as I don’t want them to always reach for all the high sugar and salt options such as biscuits and crisps. There is always fruit available, but sometimes they just want something different, so we were thrilled when Fruitbowl sent us some goodies to try out.

We have tried the yogurt coated raisins before, and they are always popular – they don’t seem to last long at all! Fruitbowl also make a range of fruit flakes; blackcurrant, strawberry, raspberry and mango. Fruit Flakes are  low in fat, contain only natural colours & flavours and are made with no added sugar, so they are perfect as a quick snack, or for popping into lunch boxes.

Fruit Bowl

Another great mess free product to try are the Fruitbowl Bars. School Bars are made with apple puree and concentrated strawberry, apple and pear juices, each bar counts towards one of your five-a-day. Picked and Pressed Bars are exactly as they sound – chopped fruit that is pressed and gently baked for a really intense fruity flavour with no added nasties. 

The kids loved all the Fruitbowl products we were sent. Max’s favourites were the Mango Fruit Flakes, and the older 2 loved the Fruit Peelers – the same fruity snack taste as School Bars and Fruit Flakes, but made into a fun peelable snack which is highly desirable on the school playground!

Fruit Bowl

We will definitely be adding more of the Fruitbowl range to our weekly shopping list. They are an ideal and convenient snack to keep in the cupboards, and easy to grab after swimming lessons or for a quick and simple lunchbox addition. I have also found the Fruit Flakes bags the perfect size to keep in my pocket at work; something I can grab a quick handful of as I run from room to room! They keep me going until I can get a proper break. 

Have you tried any of the Fruitbowl range yet? Do you have a favourite?



  1. March 13, 2018 / 9:55 am

    Both my kids love the fruit flakes they have them on their breakfast

  2. March 13, 2018 / 12:29 pm

    I used to have these for Freddie when he was younger and we really enjoyed them. No idea why I stopped buying them, but they will definitely be back in my basket now you have reminded me!! #TriedTested

  3. March 13, 2018 / 1:17 pm

    My kids have enjoyed this. They used to think they were actual sweets when they were younger if only I could get away with that now. They still enjoy them though x #triedtested

  4. March 19, 2018 / 10:24 am

    We’ve tried the fruit flakes before but my girls aren’t keen – they’re much happier with fresh fruit. The peelers sound like fun though and the fruit bars sound handy for keeping in my bag for snacks so maybe we should give these a try 🙂 #triedtested

  5. March 19, 2018 / 8:12 pm

    These look great, I think my daughter would love them, I will definitely have to keep an eye out for the fruit flakes.

  6. April 15, 2018 / 6:14 pm

    Such a great article. Clearly very mindful on what your children are eating and you’re scrutinising the food they eat critically! Thank you for taking the ‘what works and what doesn’t approach’ and sharing! Very helpful for all. Eoghan from

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