There are so many moments and precious instances when being a parent makes you beam with pride and these are unforgettable memories. But certain things can be considered important steps in a child’s life and here we go through what they are and why they are so crucial to the happiness and development of your offspring.
Birth & Early Childhood
These are the times when your kids are at their most cutest and adorable and although they will always be your babies they are actually your babies at this point. But as well as being cute and enjoyable this is an important time for setting up your child with good habits and learning that will stand them in good stead for their entire lifetime ahead, this is done simply through play, talking and singing etc.
Going To School
On the 1st day of school, I bet there is no day in the calendar year that provides more photos of beaming smiles at the front door, often with missing teeth being posted on Facebook. There’s no chance you’ll forget this day as all you need to do is check your phone! This is just the start though and the school years will present many opportunities, happy memories, and challenges. Every child will have some things they excel at and some they struggle with, but no matter what these are, if you are there to support and encourage and seek help when a child is struggling then these challenges will surely be met.
Attending University Or College
Once the school years are behind them then the stress and growth years of further study are upon them. One of the big challenges as a parent will be that this is the first time that you be there on hand to guide them through it. Once they have used a University finder to select their courses and the school exams are over it’s pretty much out of your hands.
Entering The World Of Work
During their study years, chances are that they probably would at least be coming home now and again, but once they get their first real job then they really do seem to start being out of your life properly. You will find them getting their own homes and being truly gone, this is great but you will need to find a way to let go and deal with empty-nest syndrome.
Relationships & Their Own Family
The next big step is if they go and get married and usually this is followed by them looking to start their own families. This is a time when often you as a grandparent can become a lot more involved again, especially if you are retired as not many parents pass up the chance of some free child-care from granny or granddad and it gives you the perfect opportunity to spoil the kids in the way that is the absolute right of a grandparent,