I promised that when I reached 100 Facebook likes, there would be a competition. So here it is….. Who would like to win a Kid’s Cupcakes kit from Hamlyn? It includes a cake recipe book and 9 silicone cupcake cases so you can start creating straight away! So if you…

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We have spent the last week on holiday on the gorgeous South Devon coast. Sadly, the sun did not shine for us (although typically, it is shining brightly today now we are home…) but we had a great time anyway.We walked along the cliffs with the dog, we went to…

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Read about our holiday with our Recaro Monza Nova car seat here.

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As some of you may know, we are currently on holiday, and although we haven’t travelled far (at 33 weeks pregnant I certainly wasn’t straying too far from home!), it got me thinking about the practicalities of travelling with little ones.When we are in the car, to prevent the repeat…

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