Today I have a guest post from the lovely Beth at Twinderelmo, who talks about something I think plenty of parents can relate to – the end of the baby days, the knowledge that we will not have another addition to the family, the acceptance that we are done.  I…

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I know I say this every month, but time is flying, and my baby girl is growing up so fast. She is already 7 months, and we are into the year of her 1st birthday. I cannot begin to comprehend that, the fact that she was born last year. Weight:…

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Now that Eliza is 5 months old we have started to think about weaning. When she was diagnosed with reflux our paediatrician mentioned that earlier weaning can be beneficial to reflux babies – purely because food is generally thicker than milk and sits in the stomach far better. This was definitely…

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5 months. Almost half a year. I can’t believe we are at the 5 month mark already, and I can’t believe how much she has grown and changed in those 5 months. She really wants to be doing and trying new things, and is starting to get frustrated that she…

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My newborn isn’t a newborn any more – she’s now a 4 month old baby, keen to explore the world and grow up faster than I am ready. She wants to do things that her brothers and sisters are doing, she no longer wants to be in my arms all…

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