36 weeks! I made it to June! Woohooo! 36 weeks seems like something of a milestone. I am into the final month, and just 1 week away from full term. The baby’s weight was estimated at 5lb 8oz at last weeks scan, and of course I have had the 2…

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35 weeks. Another week under my belt, and only 2 weeks until I reach full term. This time last week I really didn’t think I would get to 35 weeks, so I am feeling quite proud of myself today! If I can get this baby to full term I will…

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I’m tired. I’m tired of this pregnancy being so difficult. It’s been another awful week, and I spent the whole weekend in a hospital bed.  On Friday I had a lovely day at The Baby Show in Birmingham, but maybe I overdid it. Maybe I shouldn’t have gone. By the…

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This hasn’t been the easiest week. I had an appointment with my consultant on Wednesday to have another look at the fluid levels surrounding baby. I expected them to still be high, but stable – sadly this wasn’t the case. They have rocketed again, and I am now off the…

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32 weeks! It feels like a bit of a milestone. I don’t know why, but the final countdown is definitely underway now. After last weeks scare, I have had a relatively straightforward week. There have been the usual niggles, which are getting tougher now. Back ache is a real, well,…

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