Day 11 – A bit of quiet Sunday morning colouring – love how much Max watches Jacob when they are doing something together. Day 12 – 16 weeks pregnant – you can read my latest update here. Day 13 – Today I have been preparing a ‘Roman style’ packed lunch for…

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Day 4 – Cold, wet and windy but that didn’t stop the children from getting outside and testing out the remote control car that Jacob got for Christmas. Day 5 – I am 15 weeks pregnant! You can read my latest update here. Day 6 – Max is always stealing the childrens DS…

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After having succesfully completed a whole year of project 365 in 2014, I am determined to continue in 2015. This week is a short one, just 3 photos from the New Year so far. Max got a Little Tikes car for Christmas, and he adores it. I am not sure…

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I cannot believe I have made it! I have taken a photo every single day for the last year. I am so proud of myself, and have loved looking back over our 2014, from the very first post, through birthdays and bad times, Christmas and special occasions, as well as all…

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Less than a week until Christmas, and I think we are sorted – the presents are wrapped, the turkey is ordered and the crackers and chocolates are hidden away in the cupboard, ready for the big day. Today we are making mince pies for Santa and enjoying a bit of…

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