A few months ago, I reviewed the Strive Weston shoes. Perfect for long shifts on my feet, these quickly became my go-to work shoes, but I needed something else that was just as comfortable for wearing at home.  Enter the Strive Florida shoes. Lightweight, sporty and breathable, these are the…

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Mealtimes can be so messy with a toddler. Eliza is almost 3 now, and very independent. She’s pretty good at using a knife and fork on her own now, but there can still be a lot of mess – spilt drinks, drippy yogurt, milk from cereal bowls etc. We were…

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Eliza’s 3rd birthday is coming up in a few weeks. I’m not sure how that happened really, I’m sure she was only born yesterday? Anyway, we’ve started to think about birthday gifts for her, and it’s proving really hard. She already has SO many toys, some of her own, and…

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Having children is just so utterly life changing. I know people say that all the time, and I remember being told it a lot when I was expecting my first child, but you really don’t appreciate just how life changing it is until you have children yourself. It’s such an…

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Max has recently become so curious – about anything and everything. He asks endless questions all day, often requiring me to Google as I don’t know the answers to things such as ‘how do pistons make an engine work?’ His favourite book at school at the moment is ‘All about…

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