Tatty Tot dungarees I have only recently come across this company, and I have to say that I fell instantly in love with the Workmans Dungarees. Made from a gorgeously soft moleskin fabric, they have roll up hems and adjustable straps, so you get A LOT of wear from…

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Max and Jacob both have eczema, and while Jacob’s is much more seasonal, Max’s is persistent and consistent. I hate seeing those large red patches with marks where he has scratched, as so I am constantly searching for new ways to manage the condition. I have put together a list…

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Many of you will know that this week id World Breastfeeding Week 2014. I have written about breastfeeding quite a lot on here, from our experiences of feeding a premature baby to my thoughts on breastfeeding in public. To help celebrate World Breastfeeding week, I have been sent a couple of…

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We go through a huge amount of kids clothes in this house, especially tops. Gemma and Jacob both grow so fast, and Jacob especially is very hard on his clothes, meaning tshirts are often thrown out because they are ripped, stained or just plain worn out. So when Kids tshirts got…

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Jacob is a very skinny child – no matter where we shop we struggle to find shorts and trousers that will fit properly. If we buy a suitable waist size, the leg length is usually too short, but if we buy a pair that fit in the leg then they…

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