Jacob and Max have been sharing a bedroom for a few months now, ever since Max moved out of our bedroom and into a cot. It has worked really well for us, and the boys love being in the same room together – even if it does mean that sometimes…

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If you have spent any time with small children you will know that they love books, and my eldest 3 are no exception. Gemma and Jacob have a stash of their favourite books now – Gemma is a Harry Potter fan and Jacob loves anything to do with Skylanders and…

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A lot of you will know about The Day That. They offer a very unique service, that allows you to choose a special date (any date from 2005 onwards) and see pictures of the sunrise on that day. From this you can choose a fantastic gift for a special occasion,…

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A kettle that can be controlled by WiFi? I have to admit that when this email dropped into my inbox, I was a bit sceptical. I mean, really? Who needs such a piece of gadgetry? But in the name of research, I agreed to take a look at the iKettle from…

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You may well remember that a couple of months ago, we received the Samsung Food ShowCase fridge freezer – I wrote all about our first impressions, how the fridge looked and the basic functions that we were immediately impressed with. We have now been using the fridge freezer for a couple…

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