When you have a baby you are always inundated with people offering advice and suggestions of things that you will need, things you can’t possibly live without. By the time Max was born I had tried most of these ‘must-have’ items at one time or another – and surprise surprise,…

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Sticky eyes are something pretty much every parent will be dealing with at some point. It is so common in the early days when the tear ducts are so small that they become blocked in the blink of an eye. So to speak. Even Gemma and Jacob still suffer occasionally.…

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My name is Kate, and I am a changing bag addict. It’s true you know. Over the last 8 years I have had more changing bags than I care to remember, and all have had their good and bad points. Some matched my pushchair, but didn’t have enough pockets. Some…

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Hooded baby towels are a commonplace item in many houses now – but I bet yours don’t have antlers! Am I right? Well the new Cuddledry Cuddledeer DOES have antlers, and spots, AND it’s just super cute.   A lovely fawn colour, this gorgeous toddler towel is made from the Cuddledry award-winning…

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At 6 months old, teething really set in for Max. Now at the age of 7 months, he has the grand total of 2 teeth, with plenty more on the way by the look of his hot red cheeks! He loves to chew – anything and everything he can get…

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