We started weaning Eliza just at around 5 and a half months old. She was taking more and more milk, appearing to be much hungrier than she was before. She was sitting up, had good head control and was reaching out and trying to grab whatever you were eating. She…

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I have long been a fan of Annabel Karmel, and have used her recipes when weaning all of my children. I plan to do the same with Eliza.  The thing I love most about Annabel Karmel is the fact that all her recipes are so accessible to the whole family –…

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When we first started weaning Max we used the Ella’s Kitchen pouches – he loved the fruity, tasty and smooth texture and we loved the fact that they were full of goodness and easy to use on the go. I recently heard about the new toddler snack range from Ella’s Kitchen,…

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Max is a really good eater, and so far has eaten everything we have tried him with. At lunch and dinner times he eats family meals with the rest of us, but breakfast time is a bit different, as everyone tends to have something different. We seem to collect cereals,…

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I am a huge fan of Plum Baby. They use the type of simple, honest organic ingredients that I would choose to cook at home, meaning that any Plum pouches I use are the sort of food I feel comfortable giving to Max.  We were sent some of the new Plum Baby organic…

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