Finding time to read books that don’t feature Peppa Pig or a fairy is hard these days – I am either too busy or too tired. When Mumsnet got in touch offering me the chance to review a new novel, I vowed to make time to read for me again – and…

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I hate the fact that at Easter my children get given piles and piles of chocolate eggs. Don’t get me wrong, I have no issue with chocolate, but there is a limit to how much one child can eat – it either results in chocolate smeared faces and sore tummies,…

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I love reading, and I hope that I have passed that love onto my children. Gemma always has her head in a book, and although Jacob isn’t quite as keen, he is definitely interested in books about cars, planes and space – he likes to know how things work. Max…

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Day 26 – It’s panto time! Gemma wanted to see the pantomime as her birthday treat, so we headed off to see Aladdin today, and I have to say it was a lot of fun! Day 27 – Gemma is our regular bookworm, and she got a set of Secret Seven books…

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I was recently tagged by the lovely Jaime at The Olivers Madhouse to take part in a meme sharing my Desert Island Discs if I ever happen to be marooned on a desert island. Hmmm….sound peaceful. I digress – so, my favourite tunes along with one book, and one luxury item. Music…

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