If you have a large family then planning for the future becomes even more important than those with a small family as there are more mouths to feed, more futures to plan for and generally just more complications. If we plan well then we can get a start on this…

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It’s no secret to say that kids are expensive. It was only three years ago that the cost of raising kids was reported to be the highest it’s ever been, and things don’t stand to have gotten much better since then. If you’re going to have children, your bank account…

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As much as we may budget and plan, unexpected costs will always arise. Sadly, some of these costs can be quite large, such as when we choose to go on holiday or buy a new car. However, although all these purchases can be costly, there’s no reason why they should…

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It’s autumn. The leaves are turning. The days are getting shorter and you’ve just seen Halloween sweets at the supermarket. This can only mean one thing – Christmas is on its way. For many of us, the festive season brings stress and money worries so if you’re feeling under pressure,…

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Keeping the children in clothes and shoes is SO expensive. They grow so fast, and outfits need replacing regularly. Then there’s all the stuff they need for school; uniforms, sports kits, blazers and ties. Let’s not forget all the kit for after school clubs such as football, Guides, swimming and…

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