At the moment our house looks like this: We are in the process of buying a new build house, and it is definitely getting there, after months of waiting. We are hoping to be in and settled before Christmas, which is very exciting – and I have been doing some…

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I have posted before about my ideas and wish list for the decoration of our living room and although some of the actual painting and dressing ideas have been put on hold until the baby is born (we don’t want to make it all lovely only for a crawling baby to…

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Our bedroom is a bit neglected to say the least. It has always come bottom of the decorating to do list, and every time it gets near the top something else in the house breaks/wears out/looks shabby and so the bedroom gets pushed back out of sight again. It’s just…

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As a lot of you will know, we are planning to move house in the near future. To make the most of our budget, we may well look to buy a house that needs a bit of work doing – nothing major, but we are certainly not averse to a…

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