22 weeks 🙂 I feel like this pregnancy is flying by, and I am surprised how well I have been feeling so far (touch wood!) I think my bump has grown this week. It feels a bit higher, a bit rounder and a bit harder. Movements have increased too, and…

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This week Gemma and Jacob have been on half term, and so we have been trying to cram in as much fun as possible! We have been on a few trips out as well as getting on with some activities at home, and it has been pretty successful – I…

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Past the halfway point now, and it feels like time is flying. It doesn’t seem 5 minutes ago that we discovered baby 4 was on the way, and now everything is racing towards June!  It was lovely to see the baby at last weeks scan, and we are actually going…

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Another week gone by – I don’t know where the time is going. It’s been an exciting week, as we headed to hospital for our 20 week scan. The children also broke up from school on Friday, so we are looking forward to a week of half term fun. Here…

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During the 9 months of pregnancy, you get bombarded with lists – things you need for baby, what you should pack in your hospital bag, names to consider. So here’s my list with a difference: things you should consider trying during pregnancy! Earth Conscious washable breast pads – now I know…

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