We have several of the VTech Toot Toot sets already – the VTech Drivers and Safari have been favourites of Max’s for a while now. So when we heard that VTech were releasing a new VTech Toot Toot Friends range, we knew it would be a hit with our tot.…

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Fisher Price never fail to offer something for all ages, from tiny tots to toddlers and beyond. One of their latest toys is the Little People Skyway which Max has been putting through its paces. The first thing I will say is – it’s a big toy. If you are stuck…

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A baby gym is one of those items that I think is a bit of a baby essential, even if it just so you have somewhere to lay your baby for 5 minutes so you can make a cup of tea or answer the phone. We were recently sent the…

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I am a big fan of wooden toys, and one of the things we have been thinking about getting for a while is a wooden dolls house. I think a dolls house is one of those toys that is so flexible – all my children will be able to get…

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We have a ridiculous amount of toys in this house, and as we are moving soon I have been trying to secretly get rid of some when the kids aren’t looking. Several have been given to friends or charity shops and some have been packed away for when Max and…

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