World Book Day is just around the corner again, and for many schools and nurseries that means a dressing up day. This year it fall son Thursday 1st March, so it’s not far away at all, and it’s definitely time to start thinking about costume ideas if you haven’t already!…

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Take a moment to celebrate reading. We want to encourage our children to read and to show them the importance books hold. A child reading holds many potentials: the ability to improve educational performance, develop a broader understanding of culture or just receive an overall brain boost. So if reading…

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Britain is packed full of literary connections so to help you find the perfect day out, the book worms at holiday company have created a map of the best places to visit to immerse yourself in the worlds of your child’s favourite authors and stories. If you’ve always wanted…

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Day 60 – The sun was shining and even though it was a bit chilly we had a lovely morning playing football in the park. Day 61 – I am 23 weeks pregnant. You can read my latest bump update here. Day 62 – Jacob went to a friends birthday party…

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