Week 8 already, and I am so pleased I am still here, managing to take a photo a day. It will be a great thing to look back on at the end of the year.This week was half term, and so we have been busy little bees. Day 47 –…

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Another week, another project 365 round up. The weather has been atrocious this week so there has been a lot of inside time, but with half term upon us, the sun has made a breakthrough, so I am hoping it lasts! Day 40 – Gemma used some of her birthday…

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February is upon us and I am continuing to take a photo of our lives every single day. There is always something happening that is worthy of a photo!Day 33 – Bowling. Gemma and Jacob love bowling, and today Jacob got his first ever strike. Celebratory high fives all round! Day…

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Day 26 – It’s panto time! Gemma wanted to see the pantomime as her birthday treat, so we headed off to see Aladdin today, and I have to say it was a lot of fun! Day 27 – Gemma is our regular bookworm, and she got a set of Secret Seven books…

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Another week, another Project 365 round up. Day 19 – A spot of sunshine and Max wanted to help hang out the washing. Not sure he actually helped much, but he looked cute doing it! Day 20 – Trying to climb everything results in some tumbles, and only a cuddle will help.…

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