Another week gone! This week has been a mixed one, with an unexpected admission to hospital, but with plenty of fun too. Welcome to my project 365, week 18! Day 116 – Gemma was the Brownies flag bearer for the St George’s Day parade today. She was SO proud. Day…

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Another week, another project 365. It’s almost the end of April already, and the start of a run of birthdays for us. Day 109 – It’s been so lovely to be able to play outside in the garden after tea. Max loves the garden, especially his slide. Day 110 –…

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The weeks are flying past – how are we on week 16 of project 365 already?! It’s been a glorious week with plenty of sun, and although it’s been quite hot with a big bump I am definitely not moaning. I would much rather have sunshine than rain. Day 102…

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This week has been the second week of Easter holidays for us, and the sun has been out – hooray! It’s been lovely to get outside more and let the kids run and play. Here is this weeks project 365: Day 95 – Jacob’s 7th birthday is in a couple…

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HOW is it April already? In just 2 months time it will be June, and we will be preparing for the arrival of this baby. Time is going by so fast at the moment, especially this week as it was the first week of Easter holidays for us. We have…

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