I know I say this every week, but I don’t know where the time goes. Another week has passed already and we are heading towards Christmas – and our new house – at a rate of knots! This weeks project 365 is a quiet one – we have just been…

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Another Saturday has rolled round, and it’s time for another project 365 round up already! I know most of you are probably hoping time stops going so fast but I am almost wishing the rest of this year away so that we can be in our new house – not…

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I can’t believe it’s another weekend – the last week has passed by in a flash! The big 2 have been back to school this week,a nd so it has been the usual routine of school, nursery, clubs and home life. Here is our project 365, week 45. Day 298…

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It’s been a really manic half term, and we have been up to a lot of different things. On Monday and Tuesday Jacob went to a 2 day football roadshow which he loved. I took Gemma to the museum for a Halloween arts and crafts day. On Wednesday they both…

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The last week before half term, and there has been a lot of running around – between clubs, school events, football training and Brownies discos there hasn’t been much time to stop and relax, so we are all looking forward to a few days off. We had news that the…

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