Max and Eliza both love the water, and have been having group swimming lessons for quite a while now. I’ve always wanted my kids to be able to swim – it’s such a vital life skill, and keeping them safe around water is so important. One of the training and…

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Mealtimes can be so messy with a toddler. Eliza is almost 3 now, and very independent. She’s pretty good at using a knife and fork on her own now, but there can still be a lot of mess – spilt drinks, drippy yogurt, milk from cereal bowls etc. We were…

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Having children is just so utterly life changing. I know people say that all the time, and I remember being told it a lot when I was expecting my first child, but you really don’t appreciate just how life changing it is until you have children yourself. It’s such an…

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We go through SO many baby wipes in this house. They are used for anything and everything, but each time I throw them away I cringe a little bit inside. Not very eco friendly is it? When Cheeky Wipes approached me and asked if we would like to try their…

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This post is in association with Tots 100 and Baby Dove. I have used Dove products for many years now, and my current favourite is the Purely Pampering Caring cream bath – it’s my little indulgence after a long shift! Now, Dove has launched Baby Dove – a brand new range of baby care…

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