BoBo Buddies There is always a debate within the parenting community about reins, but for us they are a toddler essential. Eliza is at the stage now where she isn’t keen on being in a pushchair for long periods of time, and she wants to be out exploring. But sometimes,…

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I don’t know about you, but I am so glad it’s the summer holidays! No school runs (why does it ALWAYS rain at pick up time?), no constant uniform washing and no packed lunch preparation. But before we know it, the autumn term will be upon us, and we will…

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Travel cots are a funny thing aren’t they? We don’t use them all that often, but when we do, they need to be right – we need to know our little ones are comfortable enough to sleep in them when we are away, and safe too.  But some travel cots…

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We are huge Grobag fans. We have used them for all 4 children over the last 11 years, and they have aided safe and secure sleep over that time. I just wouldn’t use anything else now. They stop blankets being kicked off, they maintain body temperature and they have become…

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Eliza has slept in sleeping bags since she was born, and we used them for all our other children too. At 19 months, she now associates the sleeping bag with bedtime, and is always more than happy to snuggle up in hers ready for a sleep (she is so much…

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