I have used amber a lot in the past – when Max was tiny and teeth were popping through an amber anklet was really helpful, eased his pain and combatted the excessive drooling. Since then, I have done a lot more reasearch into amber and the benefits it can have, and…

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Max has very sensitive skin, and suffers from eczema – because of this I am very careful about what products I use on his skin. So when miamoo got in touch and offered me a travel set to review, I knew it would be perfect for Max. Let me tell you why:miamoo…

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There are 3 people in this family with asthma and eczema – Kevin, Jacob and Max – and so keeping the air around them clean, clear and free of dust and irritants is something that I am constantly striving for. We also live in a house which does seem to…

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There are 3 eczema sufferers in this house – Kevin, Jacob and Max – so we were delighted to be asked to try out the QV skincare range. QV is one of the few brands to use glycerol in many of its products. Glycerol is a naturally occurring humectant. Humectants…

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Jacob has always suffered with eczema, ever since he was a tiny tot. It is usually fairly well managed with a combination of bath oil and daily applications of eczema cream. But when the weather is hot, we have real problems – not only does the heat cause a flare…

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