This week has been a bit chaotic. There is lots of end of term stuff happening at the moment – sports day practice, music recitals, play rehearsals and topics to finish off. It has also been a busy week for house viewings, which has meant lots of housework! Here is…

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When you look back at the things you have achieved in the last few years it can often be mind blowing. This is definitely the case for me. 10 years ago, I had not long met Kevin. We were young and free, and spent a lot of time just going on…

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I can’t believe it’s the end of another week already! (Yes, I know – I say that every week) This week has been a fairly quiet one, it’s been my first week at home on my own with the 4 children, so I have been juggling school runs and house…

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Time is flying past at the moment – I can hardly believe that Eliza has been here for 2 weeks already. This week Kevin went back to work, and I have managed a couple of school runs on my own with all 4 of the children, as well as trying…

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I can’t believe that this is the last project 365 round up of May – on Monday it will be June, and in June I am having a baby! Scary! Day 137 – Jacob has a new pair of shoes – I think they are rather cool! Day 138 – I…

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