I cannot believe I have made it! I have taken a photo every single day for the last year. I am so proud of myself, and have loved looking back over our 2014, from the very first post, through birthdays and bad times, Christmas and special occasions, as well as all…

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I can’t believe it is almost the end of 2014. In just a few short weeks, we will be welcoming 2015, and another year will have passed.  It’s been a mixed year for us to be honest. When I look back at all the tears and stress, I can remember…

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I can hardly believe that Max is 17 months old. He is a fully fledged toddler now, who has mastered walking and sleeping in a big boy bed. Now he is learning to talk. We have had a few babbled words for a long time now – ‘mama’, ‘dada’ ‘memma’ (Gemma) and…

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It’s been a fairly typical week, with school, clubs and park visits, plus a huge milestone for Max! Day 271 – We went for a walk in the woods and found our first lot of conkers this autumn. Max loves them – he has been playing with them all week. Day…

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We have always let our children take the lead a bit when it comes to the transition from cot to bed. When they have got to the stage where they have been able to climb up and out of the cot, then we have moved them to a bed, more…

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