This week has seen a HUGE milestone in the world of toddler-dom. Max learnt to walk! It’s been on the cards for a while – he has been standing unsupported for a couple of weeks now, but has always resorted to crawling when he wants to get somewhere. One day…

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I can’t believe I am writing this post. My baby is 11 months old, and this will be the last baby watch before he turns 1. Will I then have to start a ‘toddler watch’? Will he still be my baby? Max grows and flourishes every single day. We have done…

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 I can’t believe we are heading towards April. The weeks are flying by. We sold our house last week and so this week has been all about solicitors, estate agents and paperwork. Fingers crossed for a smooth sale, so we can start our new life in Lincolnshire. Day 68 –…

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10 months since Max arrived. 10 amazing, wonderful and sometimes hard months in which my newborn has turned into a little boy with a cheeky character and a smile that melts my heart. New things Max has learnt this month: Standing up – he is now an expert at pulling…

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9 months. 9 whole months ago I was sat in the special care unit holding my tiny helpless newborn. Now that tiny helpless newborn is a little monkey for lack of a better description! This month has been a huge month for Max – he can now do this: He is…

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