Today I have a guest post from the lovely Beth at Twinderelmo, who talks about something I think plenty of parents can relate to – the end of the baby days, the knowledge that we will not have another addition to the family, the acceptance that we are done.  I…

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I have written before about our struggles with reflux. Max suffered terribly and was under a paediatrician until he was 17 months old. He took a cocktail of medications and was under almost constant review with regular weigh ins and health visitor checks. Finally at almost 1 and a half…

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1. You realise it is 2pm and you are still in your pyjamas and dressing gown with baby puke on your shoulder – and you just don’t care. 2. You can’t remember the last time you had a shower. 3. You also can’t remember the last time you drank a…

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12 weeks. 12 weeks have passed since we welcomed Eliza into the world, and I really don’t know where that time has gone. Weight: After a slow start, Eliza seems to have really picked up speed lately. She was weighed this week and is now 11lbs 4oz. She’s still not…

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Day 214 – A Sunday morning cuddle, not sure if Eliza was all that impressed. Day 215 – Happy face. Day 216 – Watching a lorry deliver big bags of gravel to a neighbours house. He would have stayed there all day if he could. Day 217 – 10 weeks…

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