24 weeks! This week I have reached a big milestone, and the baby is now viable. This means that were the baby be born now, they would stand a chance of survival, and would be entitled to medical help. This is huge. This makes it all seem more real. I…

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Day 60 – The sun was shining and even though it was a bit chilly we had a lovely morning playing football in the park. Day 61 – I am 23 weeks pregnant. You can read my latest bump update here. Day 62 – Jacob went to a friends birthday party…

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23 weeks – in just one week, my baby will be classed as viable. That’s a huge milestone, and it makes it all seem a little bit more real.  How am I feeling? Pretty good really, apart from a stinking cold, but I can’t blame that on the pregnancy! It’s…

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It’s the end of February already! It’s been a quiet week, with one or another of us feeling poorly and struck down with the winter coughs and colds. The children have settled back into the school routine after half term, and we are on week 9 of project 365.  …

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Now that I am past the halfway point of this pregnancy, I have started to think ahead, and one of the biggest jobs that needed sorting was the nursery. I know the baby won’t be in a cot for a long while yet, but I want everything to be prepared,…

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